Monday, March 26, 2007


I am currently a student in Anderson Junior College in the science stream. I hope this does not imply that my right brain has nothing left. My secondary school is Presbyterian High, which is actually opposite our current school just a few minutes walk away.

My hobbies include music, computer games, going to the movies, reading and certain sports, though not competitively. The stuff other ordinary youngsters like to do.

I am passionate about music. I play the piano, guitar, bass and a little bit of drums. I enjoy listening to music, mainly English songs. I go more for soft rock but stray far away from hip-hop. Classical and oldies do not scare me, although some may just lull me to sleep within seconds.

As for sports, I do play the occasional game of basketball or soccer. I used to play table tennis, a sport I picked up from my secondary school’s CCA. Somehow I did not manage to get in the school team, I think it was due to the fact that I got smacked one too many times. Arm wrestling used to be a pastime for me during my secondary school days, however, interest in such things just seem to die out as I get older.

I have read quite a huge number of books since when I was young. Thrillers, mystery and fantasy books interest me. I have the habit of polishing off a book in a single day if it so happens to catch my fancy.

Well, that’s about it. If this bored you out, maybe we should try getting to know each other.

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